Papa Makua

Papa Makua

Papa Makua is an Adult Bible Study Class, a part of the Sunday Bible School, which currently meets on Zoom. This is not only a Hawaiian language class. This class is a bilingual class in which teaching of the Bible is its primary purpose and occurs both in English and in the Hawaiian language.

​The textbook for this class is the 1839 translation of the Hawaiian Bible. This is the oldest translation and is chosen because of the antiquity of the Hawaiian translation and provides insight into the thinking and thoughts of our Kūpuna (elders) on how to live the Christian life.

​The first half of class is open to the participation of class members who share their research of select vocabulary words from the Hawaiian text, and the instructor explains the context of the Scriptural text for understanding. The class is currently studying a verse-by-verse method of the book of the Acts of the Apostles which details the ministries and work of the early church. Looking in depth at the service and ministries of the early church provides opportunities for class members to examine their own service and dedication to Godʻs work. Discussion questions give class members a chance to share their own thoughts on the Scriptural passage. Each class member prepares homework assignments prior to the next class meeting

​The second half of the class focuses on Hawaiian language study. Students learn the basic rules of the Hawaiian language, Hawaiian grammar, the Hawaiian alphabet, the phonology or sound system of Hawaiian, the pronoun system, the A and O possssives, and participate in oral exercises. The instructor also provides Hawaiian historical and cultural information to enhance understanding and appreciation of our island home.

Anyone is welcome to join this class. There is no requirement for class members to have studied the Hawaiian language previously.



6:30p - 8:30p ZOOM Only

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