Na Opio

Ages 5 - 13

Welcome to our kids ministry

Welcome to the Kāneʻohe Congregational Church's dynamic Hawaiian Youth Ministry, tailor-made for children aged 5-13. Situated in the stunning landscape of Kāneʻohe, we utilize our beautiful surroundings to instill in our youth an appreciation for God's magnificent creation. Our ministry is deeply rooted in Hawaiian culture, fostering a unique and vibrant community that embodies the Aloha spirit and teaches respect for all of God's creatures.

Our thoughtfully designed programs engage our young members in a broad range of activities that stimulate spiritual growth, foster community involvement, and enhance understanding of the Bible. Through interactive Bible studies, creative storytelling, and spirited worship songs, our keiki (children) cultivate their faith while enjoying the learning process. Our faith-based teachings are supplemented with Hawaiian cultural lessons, promoting a strong sense of identity and pride in our youth. We also emphasize outdoor activities, inspiring children to bond with nature and appreciate the beauty of our island home.

At Kāneʻohe Congregational Church's Hawaiian Youth Ministry, we view each child as a unique gift from God, possessing the potential to make a significant difference in the world. Our dedicated team of leaders, nurturing and experienced, guide the children on their faith journey. They impart teachings about God's love, His principles, and their application in everyday life. As the children grow within our ministry, we encourage them to be caretakers of their community, embodying the principles of Lōkahi (unity) and Mālama 'Āina (caring for the land). With Aloha in our hearts, we provide a nurturing, inclusive environment where all children can explore, learn, and grow in their faith journey.

Janel Mascoto

Nā 'ōpio Director